Code of Conduct

The AVOXT objective is to play a driving role in an efficient and fast transition to an emission- and fossil-free green future that enables a healthy and comfortable life for this and future generations all across the globe.

Our Culture

AVOXT is inclusive. We do not discriminate.

AVOXT focuses on authenticity and honesty among all its team members and to the outside world.

AVOXT believes in having full trust in its team members and giving them the full responsibility that comes with this trust. Every AVOXT team member should also always take responsibility and be accountable for their actions without fear of judgement.

AVOXT team members are ambitious and passionate about their work and contribution to the energy transition and a greener tomorrow.

AVOXT values inputs from stakeholders; suppliers, employees, customers and the community. Every opinion counts.

AVOXT has a sense of humour and encourages fun at work, but not at the cost of others.

AVOXT encourages the initiatives of employees. We love to see people take responsibility. Great behaviour will be rewarded. Successes will be celebrated. Teamwork will be encouraged. Mistakes will be seen as learning experiences for the whole team.

Employees of AVOXT are accountable as is management. Not to punish, but to learn. Transparency in learning is of utmost importance.

AVOXT wants to be transparent, honest and trustworthy and expects that from its employees and its partners as well.

AVOXT wants to work with other companies that subscribe to this code of conduct within and beyond our cooperation.

Our ways of working

AVOXT has a flat and transparent organisation that ensures accessibility for and to everyone. 

AVOXT not only makes products and solutions for a sustainable future but does that also in a sustainable way, valuing the environment and the people. We want to make the world a better place. We choose the most sustainable ways of transport possible.

We want to make things happen without delay. We make early risk analysis part of our DNA, to be able to act quickly and learn fast.

AVOXT offers and promotes high flexibility in working. Results and quality are more important than clocking hours, or when and where the work is done. 

AVOXT highly values a healthy lifestyle, working conditions and atmosphere.

AVOXT expects its employees and management to respect each other.

Our way of communication

If there is any form of discomfort or there are complaints, everyone in the AVOXT team should feel free aIf there is any form of discomfort or there are complaints, everyone in the AVOXT team should feel free and safe to communicate this directly to anyone in the AVOXT team. Furthermore, every AVOXT team member should always be open to other team members. If there still are any issues or complaints  these can also be sent to