Membraneless electrolyser stack
Less maintenance
Traditional electrolysers have membranes to keep Hydrogen and Oxygen apart. The membranes are the weakest part in the electrolyser. If damaged they need to be replaced. An industrial electrolyser has hundreds of these membranes. Replacing those is expensive and laborious. Avoxt realises keeping apart Hydrogen and Oxygen in a completely different way, so no replacement of membranes during the lifetime is needed.

Higher efficiency
The membranes in an electrolyser are a barrier that creates resistance in the system. This means that energy is needed to overcome that resistance. No membranes mean less resistance and therefore higher efficiency. With some additional adaptations a very significant increase in yield of the electrolyser is possible. If you want to know how much, contact us.

More flexibility
Green energy comes at variable levels. The sun doesn’t always shine and the wind doesn’t always blow. With the Avoxt electrolyser you don’t have to worry about intermittent electricity supply from green sources. The electrolyser can be switched on or off and regulated from 0-100% load quickly, making use of the variability of available green electricity.

The AVOXT electrolyser is based on the alkaline technology, that has been around for decades. The chemical reaction in this type of electrolyser doesn’t depend on expensive catalysts like Platinum or Iridium.

Materials of the Platinum Group (PGM’s) are rare and difficult to come by. Mining has large environmental impact and the materials are very expensive. Prognosis even show that there is not enough of these materials on earth if you would cover the demand for electrolysers and fuels cells completely with PEM types.